Located at the Bridge Jindās on the road to Lod, Israel. Continue reading Lions of sultan Baybars at Jisr Jindās (Israel)
Tag Archives: Early
Lions’ Gate (Jerusalem)
One of the gates of the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel. Continue reading Lions’ Gate (Jerusalem)
Lion of sultan Baybars at Nimrod Castle (Israel)
Located at Nimrod Castle (northern Israel). Continue reading Lion of sultan Baybars at Nimrod Castle (Israel)
Fragment with cup (Lyon)
Conserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. Continue reading Fragment with cup (Lyon)
Base of a candlestick for Rasulid sultan al-Muẓaffar Yūsuf
Conserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. Continue reading Base of a candlestick for Rasulid sultan al-Muẓaffar Yūsuf
Fragment with five horizontal fields (Lyon)
Conserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. Continue reading Fragment with five horizontal fields (Lyon)
Fragment with lion (Lyon)
Conserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. Continue reading Fragment with lion (Lyon)
Fragment with buqja (Lyon)
Conserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. Continue reading Fragment with buqja (Lyon)
Fragment with qabaq (Lyon)
Conserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. Continue reading Fragment with qabaq (Lyon)
Fragment with polo-sticks (Lyon)
Conserved at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon. Continue reading Fragment with polo-sticks (Lyon)
Glass lamp for sultan Ḥasan (Freer)
Conserved at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. Continue reading Glass lamp for sultan Ḥasan (Freer)
Fragment with fleur-de-lis (Freer)
Conserved at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. Continue reading Fragment with fleur-de-lis (Freer)
Fragment with sword (Freer)
Conserved at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. Continue reading Fragment with sword (Freer)
Bottle for a Rasulid sultan (Freer)
Conserved at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. Continue reading Bottle for a Rasulid sultan (Freer)
Bowl for a Rasulid sultan (Freer)
Conserved at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. Continue reading Bowl for a Rasulid sultan (Freer)