Conserved at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. Continue reading Pen-box for sultan Sha’bān I (Paris)
Monthly Archives: April 2020
Sha’bān I (746/1345-747/1346)
Here is a list of objects and monuments displaying the emblem of sultan Sha’bān I.
- A pen-box at the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris
Bowl for Asandamur al-Kurjī
Conserved in 1952 in the Harari collection, present location unknown. Continue reading Bowl for Asandamur al-Kurjī
Bowl for Sunqur al-Ā’sar
Conserved at the Benaki Museum, Athens. Continue reading Bowl for Sunqur al-Ā’sar
Sunqur al-Ā’sar (d. 709/1309)
Emblem description : A crescent on a unique field
Known emblem:
- A bowl
Bibliography: Rice D. S., “Studies in Islamic Metal Work”, BSOAS, vol 14, n°3, 1952, p. 565-566
Bowl for Fāṭima, wife of sultan Qāytbāy
Conserved in 1952 in the Harari collection, present location unknown. Continue reading Bowl for Fāṭima, wife of sultan Qāytbāy
Krak des Chevaliers (Syria)
Located in Western Syria, close to the Lebanese border. Continue reading Krak des Chevaliers (Syria)
Sanjar al-Jāwlī (653/1255-745/1345)
Emblem description: Identical with the emblem of Salār OR Blank upper and lower fields, central field with a crescent
Known emblem:
- A passage of the A’yān: وكان الجاولي ينتمي الى سلار ويحمل رنك
- Possibly the Castle of the Governor (Gaza)
Bibliography: Mayer, Saracenic Heraldry, 1933, p. 197-199
Slab of marble (Hama)
Located in the 1930’s at a public fountain in the main bazaar, Hama. Continue reading Slab of marble (Hama)
Maqām of Timrāz al-Mu’ayyadī (Jaffa)
Located in Nabi Rubin, near Jaffa. Continue reading Maqām of Timrāz al-Mu’ayyadī (Jaffa)
East door of the main mosque (Damascus)
Conserved in the 1930’s at the National Museum, Damascus. Continue reading East door of the main mosque (Damascus)
Foundation text with the name of Salmā (Cairo)
Belonging to a public fountain that was embedded in the wall of the Turkumani Mosque, Cairo. Continue reading Foundation text with the name of Salmā (Cairo)
Mausoleum of Kujkun (Damascus)
Located in the 1930’s at the 55 Shari’ al-Sikkeh, Damascus. Continue reading Mausoleum of Kujkun (Damascus)
Qur’ān pulpit for Khalīl
Conserved in the 1930’s in the main mosque, Qūṣ. Continue reading Qur’ān pulpit for Khalīl
Tray for Jānībak
Present location unknown. Continue reading Tray for Jānībak