Located in the Northern Cemetery, Cairo.
Several emiral and sultanian emblems dividing the inscription at the base of the dome. Several sultana emblems on the four walls of the mausoleum. Here are displayed the emblems of emir Azrumuk and sultan Qānṣūh al-Ghawrī.
Epigraphic emblems on the dome:
قانصوه السلطان الملك الاشرف عز نصره
Qānṣūh (u) the sultan al-Malik al-Ashraf (c) may his victory be glorified (l)
Possible dating: between 906/1501 and 922/1516
Close-ups of the emblems:
For more details about the epigraphic emblem: https://islamicinscriptions.cultnat.org/InscriptionDetails?id=9028
To sultan Qānṣūh al-Ghawrī’s page
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Simon Rousselot (March 6, 2020). Mausoleum of Azrumuk (Cairo). Mamluk Emblems Online Corpus. Retrieved September 19, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/rdjn