Conserved at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Two emblems on the top part of the neck, two others dividing the body inscription:
ممّا عمل برسم الجناب العالي العالمي العاملي الشريفي الناصري السيّد ناصر الدين محمّد العلوي دامت سعادته
This is one of the objects made for His High Excellency, the Learned, the Governing, the Noble, the Master, Nāṣir al-dīn Muḥammad al-‘Alawī, may his happiness last for ever.
Possible dating: l. 13th/e. 14th century
Dimensions: H. 24,3 cm
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Simon Rousselot (February 18, 2020). Candlestick for Muḥammad al-‘Alawī (Met). Mamluk Emblems Online Corpus. Retrieved September 19, 2024 from