Conserved at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.
At least one emblem dividing the neck inscription.
A white rosette on an unique field
ممّا عمل برسم الجناب العالي ا ا المولوي الشبلي كافور الرومي الخزندار الملكي ا ا الصالحي أعزّ أنصاره
This is one of the objects made for His High Excellency, our Lord, Shibl al-Dawla Kāfūr al-Rūmī, the khāzindār, (officer) of al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ, may (God) make his victories glorious.
Possible dating: before 684/1285
To the index of civil officials
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Simon Rousselot (February 24, 2020). Glass lamp for Kāfūr al-Rūmī. Mamluk Emblems Online Corpus. Retrieved September 19, 2024 from