Located in the Sūq al-Qaṭṭānīn in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel.
Three emblems with one in the centre of the lintel.
بسمله … المبارك والسوق والربوع على ظهورهم المقرّ الأشرف السيفي تنكز الناصري كافل ا[لمالك] الشريفة الشأميّة أعزّ الله أنصاره في شهور سنة
In the name of the most merciful God. [Ordered to build this] blessed [khan or bath] and the market-street and the private houses above them, His Most Noble Excellency Sayf al-dīn Tankiz al-Nāṣirī, Viceroy of the noble [provinces] of Syria, may God make his victories glorious. In the month of the year…
Possible dating: around 737/1336-37
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Simon Rousselot (June 23, 2021). Khān Tankiz (Jerusalem). Mamluk Emblems Online Corpus. Retrieved September 19, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/rdo5