Located in the 1930’s at a public fountain in the main bazaar, Hama.
Two emblems below the inscription:
بسمله … أنشأ هذا السبيل المبارك المقرّ العالي
المولوي السيّدي الأشرفي المالكي المخدومي يوسف
الظاهري اعزّ الله أنصاره وكان الفراغ منه في شهر جمد الأوّل سنة سعة وتسعين وسبع مائة
In the name of the most merciful God. Ordered the construction of this blessed public fountain His High Excellency, our Lord, the Master, the Most Noble, the Royal, the Well-Served, Yūsuf … al-Ẓāhirī, may God make his victories glorious. Completed in the month of Jumādā I of the year 797 (began 22nd February 1395).
Possible dating: 797/1395
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Simon Rousselot (April 6, 2020). Slab of marble (Hama). Mamluk Emblems Online Corpus. Retrieved January 17, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/rdmr